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Old 03-02-2011, 07:13 AM
goonyton goonyton is offline

Join Date: Feb 2009
goonyton has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

Recall is a great spell. The only problem with it is that there are not very many places left where it works. Used to be I could cast it just about anywhere. Now days I often have to run a half dozon or more maps out of my way to find a place where I can cast it. (the recall part works great though)

Same with teleport, there are a quite a few maps where it is disabled.

It has been a while since I used a Phoenix Amulet. When I last did and I died, it saved me and gave me all of my HP and SP, but it cancelled all of my resists and manna shield. Hence the thing that killed me, did it again for real before I could react.

If Lifesaving Amulets worked no one could complain. If they want to be imortal, then they could spend 60k for a new amulet each time they met a deathray.

I do have to thank you guys for fixing portable holes it is nice not getting stuck in them now days. Most of us should probably start using them more than we may have been in the past.

Edit:That reminds we is there any place that a portable home still works?