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Old 02-28-2008, 10:35 PM
Jessikha Jessikha is offline

Join Date: Feb 2008
Jessikha has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

I don't want to fully expose my ranger's build, as I put a lot of thought (and lots of sratchouts on paper ) into my build. All I will tell you are the basics:

(Level 25)
25 Whips
7 Spirit

That's seriously all I'm telling you, not even the amount of lore to train (not like it matters, lore is personal preference for spells you want). Just make sure you get mana shield. Vampire blade is good, but if you keep your mana up, you can just use full heal pots when your actual hp runs low. It's good for emergencies, too, although vamp. blade is quite nice too.