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Old 04-25-2007, 04:17 AM
dorion dorion is offline

Join Date: Apr 2007
dorion has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

I'll be answering some questions I think didn't get full answers

11) Stats for Imp crown?
As said 1 in all Arts, 1 in Mind, Spirit, Death, and Life. It also grants XRay vision, some mana, and shoot me if I'm wrong 1 meditation.

12) What equipment raises air or death magic, and by how much?
Sorcerors Helm gives 1 death if you have trouble getting hold of an imp crown.

14) Is there any sort of cap for weapon skills?

15) Formula for Magic whip's damage? (Including whips and death, not blade spells)
The best you'll get is a formula for the WC of the weapon, its WC = 15 + Death

17) Do most People who PvP use shock resist?
No, or atleast not strong.

22) How many lore points do you get per level/skill level, and how much do spells use ( I completely forgot how this worked)
Can't remember how many lore points you get bu a spell will use lore points equal to it's level.

23) Can most PvPers be poisoned with a poison cloud/breath spell when you have 25+ death?
Yes, but poison is broken, which is why Green Dragons are XP machines.