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Old 09-20-2008, 02:08 AM
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anatil has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

Originally Posted by Crier View Post
(I'm all giddy about being mentioned in a Salty post so my reply may not be too good, anyways)

I believe the two biggest factors in lower player base are:

When the game was down for so long, people moved on to other games and got addicted to them.

And two, like Hobo said, changes made to playing style that people couldn't adjust to.
After the game was down we had a player cap limit (I think it was like 68) and that limit was often it isn't that. And as for moving on to other addicting games, I've gotten addicted to about 10 different games...and still play all of them and wyvern (though not as much as I used to).

And I'll also have to agree with hobo, after the spam healing nerf...the majority of people found the game unplayable and left, ever since that players online cap limit has yet to be reached (to my knowledge). Add to that the fact most players found out that the game is going to get even more nerfs and eventually is going to get a massive reset (as bin hilariously pointed out with the 'reset button' in minath a few days ago).

So to the point, with all the nerfs and the fact that the only thing interesting in the game anymore is the socials, rds, a random lq (which is only won by the big fatties), and of course the whole...lag thing. Needless to say most players lost interest. Wyvern isn't the ever evolving world it was 3 years ago...the only 'evolving' wyvern is doing these days is in the opposite direction