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Old 02-29-2008, 12:20 AM
Durango Durango is offline

Join Date: Feb 2008
Durango has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

I'm fairly certain the one for weapons works. This isn't very usefull, but I'll show you my autobag list...I set them up a long time ago now, but I remember making rules for very specific things, such as ichor and gems. I have one rule for full healing potions on top so it bags them first then a general rule for all potions so the potion type must work too. I think "wand" "ring" "amulet" like that works. If you do magic I'm not sure it does. "book" also works. Between those you can autobag just about everything I think...Hope that helps.

1. fullhealing
2. savepotion
3. strengthpotion
4. spellbook
5. wandrodringsandamulets
6. ichorandgems
7. armorandweapons
8. potionstosell
9. extra books
10. extrabooksbag
11. extrabooks2
12. armorandweapons2