Thread: Add-A-Word
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Old 07-22-2009, 10:38 PM
Khalon Khalon is offline
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Join Date: May 2009
Khalon has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

Blood-spattered crow was falling down the gigantic mountain. "Rad..," said I. "We were planning to go home. Instead we decided to save a slice of Binyamin's Pizza that had been masticated." Then Teshuvah vomited chunks of greenish Salkand. Waffles were "shocked" back into the microwave to bemoan their ultimate doom that was near. However, thirty wyverneers roared that they had duped clovers and then given themselves some buzz-cuts. Arilou whined incessantly like a little pixie. Then, Salkand asked for banishment, immediately. He intended to dance like furious rodents do. Fortunately, Cthulu summoned a gorilla named Bing-Bong while a drunk fat wizard fed apple-sauce to Arilou's mom.

One Wikipedian Uguu munched on her own hair when two searing colanders landed on rocks filled with firecrackers. When Rhialto Uguu went to the cupboard and karate was ubiquitous, this sentence has flubber all over Arisu. While Shortimer sat on his/her pretty pet roach, he/she giggled vigorously and jumped across elven lakes instantly, incapacitating every exiled kitten that had sang that annoying meow. However, toilets declaimed Binyamin stunk.

"MaahrUUUUUUUUUUUUG!" blubbered uncivilized, Chewbacca chewing, kittens. Mortified, Joker Nouns relinquished only but three tangerines; causing "banananas diarrhea", failed at "Add-A-Word", and Scrabble. The screaming penguins anthropomorphized dumpsters and discombobulated grammar.

Valkon slapped Prokoffiev for playing hopscotch with a burning warship. Meanwhile, in Toys-in-the-Attic the hemophiliacs had discovered pie. Dioxide kicked Salkand brutally for fun until he was morally-disfigured, and poor. Elsewhere in Azkaban, hydrophobic Cthulhus assimilated actually, Diamondclub nothing. Klodin ate some pixies because of their fatness. Morphan decided to explore Chinatown, when Godzilla suddenly ate Morphan whole. Hamel became yummy, but promotions eventually came out of Binyamin's highest lie pie.

"Yummy!" Salkand had death crystals in milk. But, it tasted like kitties with swine meat. Thus, he bequeathed gibberlings out of belly-buttons. The reason of Khalon's sudden failure was that Rhialto had taken his favorite doorknob and nerf Teshuvah's pink