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Old 09-19-2008, 08:37 PM
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Salkand Salkand is offline
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Default There was once a time when there were 70 people online. . .

When I fist started playing wyvern it wasn't uncommon to log on and find almost 80+ people playing for most of the day. A year later that number based around 60+people. In 2006 that number was 50+ people. Today we get an average of 20+ people during high time. What has changed and why?

Of course it is most likely impossible to narrow down the reason into one specific area. I believe it is because there are now a significant number of players who are level 25+ and there is nothing for these players to do other than RD. RDing is boring!

Well, I didn't open this topic to rant about RDing, Welcome ladies and gentlemen. . . and crier because he likes to ruin these things. Welcome one and all to the wyvern player base theories!

And your theories are. . .
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