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Old 03-08-2011, 05:07 AM
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kiez kiez is offline

Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Paradise
kiez has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

Some of this depends on your race. The fewer spell points you have, the less often you should rely on using spells to heal. If you are going to build a nearly-pure melee Pally, there is not much you can do with spells, so I don't feel like your ideas are bad at all. Some thoughts you may want to consider, however, are things like Cure Blindness, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis, and Bravery which could eliminate the need to carry lots of expensive potions or wear armor that takes up a slot that could be used for other things.

The only thing I am worried you are not considering is bungling. Just make sure you take that into consideration before you pick what spells you use.
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