Thread: Blades
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Old 01-07-2008, 01:04 AM
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Hamel Hamel is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Hamel has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

Not only will a applying a Unicorn Horn cure poison, it but it will also cure blindness confusion and paralysis. Thus making it a very handy thing to carry around even if you aren't using blades. Though they cannot be repaired at the blacksmith, they will repair themselves over time, as binsenkind said. And although they have a limited number of applications the uses will recharge over time. I think.. >.<

Edition: I forgot to mention that only one ailment can be cured at a time, thus if you have multiple ailments mentioned above then you will have to apply the horn multiple times.
"You shouldn't go wandering around without your head if you don't want people to start suspecting something." - A sad, strange little man.

Last edited by Hamel : 01-07-2008 at 01:08 AM.