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Old 03-20-2011, 04:53 PM
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Frosten Frosten is offline

Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: United States
Frosten has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

How do you know for sure Trayr? everyone has always gone under the assumption that find weakness caps at 20. However, I know that a select few (such as Dracco when he told me) trained even more into it to do even more damage. I'm not 100% sure about it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't cap at 20.

Anyways, for smithing, just to let you know how much BS+weapon skill you need, for diamond the "perfection level" is 60, which means to make a diamond weapon 100% of the time, you have to have at least 60 points combined. for electrinum, the perfection level is 70. You can only make light/balanced after you have passed the perfection level.

Dwarves are normally favored for the job, seeing that they receive +8 more axe/blacksmith than a stone giant. You also have rings of the perfect axeman for +6 more axe, and blacksmith gloves for +3 more blacksmith. from guild/natural/items you already have 32 points combined. train 25 axes at level 25 and you will have 57, then you only need to train 13 blacksmith to make regular electrinum. with 10 over diamond's perfection level, you can make light diamonds and balanced diamonds sometimes. Hope this helps out a bit.
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." - Steve Prefontaine

Glacio (Frost Giant Axeman) (level 30)
Then (Human Mage) (level 28)
Shoot (Rakshasa Caveman) (level 26)
Magiz (Halfling Enchanter) (level 26)
Patron (Human Conjurer) (level 25)
Dboss (Halfling Rogue) (level 25)