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Clubbz 02-28-2008 09:04 PM

Autobagging Types
I recently decided to set up autobaggin on my latest character and decided I wanted to use as few rules as possible rather than a long confusing list like I usually use. Now I know autobagging can be done through item types and I found all the types at cabochon. I found them here http://www.cabochon.com/player/autobag#Type_Mat Now I know the sit is outdated and not everything, if anything on it is still applicable to the game itself, but I tried using some of these and to my disappointment the most vague of them(magic, armor, weapon, treasure) did not work.

I would simply like two ask is it just me and these types do not work, and if they don't work are there any types on the list that do work. If there are types that do work could you please name them.

Durango 02-29-2008 12:20 AM

I'm fairly certain the one for weapons works. This isn't very usefull, but I'll show you my autobag list...I set them up a long time ago now, but I remember making rules for very specific things, such as ichor and gems. I have one rule for full healing potions on top so it bags them first then a general rule for all potions so the potion type must work too. I think "wand" "ring" "amulet" like that works. If you do magic I'm not sure it does. "book" also works. Between those you can autobag just about everything I think...Hope that helps.

1. fullhealing
2. savepotion
3. strengthpotion
4. spellbook
5. wandrodringsandamulets
6. ichorandgems
7. armorandweapons
8. potionstosell
9. extra books
10. extrabooksbag
11. extrabooks2
12. armorandweapons2

rilian 02-29-2008 08:51 AM

Type does work clubbz, i have a bag for each type on my mage
I use one for magic
one for treasure
one for weapons
one for armor
i throw stuff like claws, hearts ect in the treasure one with the gems

its been a while but i think the comand is:

autobag into *swag where type is "treasure" call rule "autogem"
*swag is the name of my treasure bag

im pretty sure thats the exact command i used, if it doesnt work ingame me or something.

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