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Jiant 01-28-2008 04:25 PM

Nerfed Halflings?
Well, I have been hearing and noticing some discussion on possible nerfage of halflings...True..or not?

Godhand 01-28-2008 04:54 PM

YA, halfings were getting out of control and going on rampages in pk arenas. Thats why BR mage arena is gone.

Arilou 01-28-2008 05:32 PM

Read the suggestions forum - The rumors are based off of a player suggesting in a thread there, that haflings should be nerfed, nothing more.

Unknown 01-29-2008 10:48 PM

I heard that a halfling killed 289 wizes in one night, and now they are too powerfull to be stoped, people are afraid of loging in for this halfling rage... it all started when a no-life player view 56 times lord of the rings in a row and thinked that Sam was cool.
R is trying a dangerus tactic; give them (the halfling rampage) soo much Ale that they get into a ethilic coma and then trow them to the volcano that its up Havishfel, but the only problem is that soo far no one have finded the key that let you pass to that area. We (all non halfling players) are praying for R success in getting the key and finding lots of alcohol.:bigeyes:

Crier 01-30-2008 10:12 AM

Only thing I can say to that is 0.o?

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