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    Running Wizard High Scores
Description: Run as far as you can, jumping on platforms and destroying castles with lightning spell in this retro-style auto runner game.
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achieved in the game Running Wizard the best score
Highscore: 2,363
# Username Score Comment Time time played
1 Cuchulain 2,363 Eating food gives you energy to play games, go figure. 07-28-12 16:35 01:54
2 LonelyStar 2,286 : o 07-01-12 16:56 19:20
3 Nodlove 1,952 That moment you're approaching a castle jumping you're like, "AHHH!!!" *clickclickclickclickclickclick* 04-04-13 19:00 01:30
4 Frosten 1,824 on the path to greatness 04-12-13 13:11 05:56
5 Morwen 1,602 Castle! D: 07-08-12 18:49 01:51
6 Arilou 1,409 What kind of air mage doesn't have the fly spell? So unrealistic. 06-26-12 19:57 02:10
7 calair 1,336 05-29-13 5:34 01:12
8 Zeofar 1,173 06-28-12 11:22 01:44
9 wobblieyes 1,115 02-02-13 14:40 04:41
10 Dracco 1,043 This dumb "wizard" runs straight into a castle explodes into tiny pieces. 06-17-12 22:53 02:02
11 Gate 949 12-24-12 15:53 05:38
12 Blackbeard 863 06-27-12 14:10 00:50
13 Salkand 821 05-07-15 19:28 00:57
14 Clubbz 730 03-31-14 17:41 02:16
15 rilian 717 08-15-12 7:23 02:42
16 Bitsey 661 07-03-12 20:32 01:29
17 Machuno Besar 590 07-14-12 6:15 01:20
18 Capoair 587 03-10-16 11:41 01:21
19 Yuiamu 583 01-17-13 22:01 03:58
20 Tanm 481 06-28-12 3:24 01:38
21 Crier 428 01-07-13 11:53 02:13
22 Enerath 371 Oh blast. 12-01-13 15:29 01:53
23 Juno 333 09-28-13 14:17 01:36
24 Justice 194 ouch slamming into that hurt rofl 07-24-12 22:05 00:53
25 Diso Wizard 102 02-13-16 16:27 00:34

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